Craigallan – One of the grand mansions in Moonee Valley

Craigallan was built in 1891-1892. Designed by William Cleverdon it had a Gothic Revival style with an observation tower and a smaller tower, the latter for decorative purposes. The ground floor had an entrance hall, drawing room, dining room, breakfast room, small servant room and a main staircase which led up to the upper floor with its five bedrooms and one bathroom.

William Rodgerson met Ann Bruce c 1850 when they were both servants in an Edinburgh household. They decided to go to Australia and made the long journey over on the ship Elizabeth. They arrived in Melbourne 1853, the same year as the registration of their marriage in Victoria. They had five children: Mary Ann, William Archibald, Mary Jane, David Bruce and Annie Isabella.

William Rodgerson started working as a cartage contractor and was established as such in 1859. In 1891 he bought the piece of land in Moonee Ponds on which he had Craigallan built.

Craigallan built c1891-92 formerly at 75 Park St, Moonee Ponds. Photograph c. 1895, courtesy of Essendon Historical Society.

When Rodgerson passed away (1896) Craigallan was left to his wife Ann. In his will it stated that when his wife died (1906) the property would be given to their daughter Mary Jane, who ended up living there for 50 years. Her sister Annie also lived there with husband Ernest Nicholas and their four children. According to records (Sands and McDougall directories) Annie’s and Ernest’s daughter, Elsie Nicholas, resided at Craigallan until the 1960s. Sometime later the mansion was acquired by developers and demolished to make place for Penleigh Court.

Small girl and postman outside gate of "Craigallan", Moonee Ponds ca. 1910-1930 Photographer: Ruth Hollick. Source: State Library Victoria

Source: “The grand mansions of Essendon and district 1880-1892” edited by Mary Cahill. Authors: Kelsey Collins, Rosemary Henderson, Zofia Joshi, Marilyn Kenny, Bob Mackay, Bob Chalmers, Alex Bragiola, Essendon Historical Society.

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